Étude du carbone diamant
Manuscrit de stage de DEA : Etude par analyse d’images et modélisation de la phase initiale de la nucléation du carbone diamant
Articles de revues
·Early stages of diamond growth by chemical-vapor deposition monitored both by electron spectroscopies and microstructural probes. F. LeNormand, J.- C. Arnault, V. Parasote, L. Fayette, B. Marcus, M. Mermoux. Journal of Applied Physics 80(3),1830 (1996)
Étude d’alliages métalliques
Thèse de doctorat (manuscrit de 167 pages) : « Etudes structurales et magnétiques de monocristaux d'alliages Co-Pt massifs et en couches minces : aspects statiques et dynamiques ». Septembre 1998.
Articles de revues
· Lattice dynamics and migration enthalpies in FePd and CoPt3. T. Mehaddene, E. Kentzinger, B. Hennion, K. Tanaka, H. Numakura, A. Marty, V. Parasote, MC Cadeville, M. Zemirli, V. Pierron-Bohnes. Physical Review B.
· Magnetic properties of MBE grown Co0.5+XPt0.5-X/MgO(001) thin films in relation with their microstructure and degree of chemical order. O. Ersen, V. Parasote, V. Pierron-Bohnes, M.C. Cadeville, and C. Ulhaq-Bouillet. Journal of Applied Physics (sous presse)
· Growth conditions to optimise chemical order and magnetic properties in molecular beam epitaxy grown CoPt/MgO(001) thin films. O. Ersen, V. Parasote, V. Pierron-Bohnes, M.C. Cadeville, and C. Ulhaq-Bouillet. Journal of Applied Physics 93 2987 (2003).
· Elastic and inelastic neutron scattering in a CoPt3 single crystal. Part I : Experimental determination of pair interaction energies and phase diagram calculations. E. Kentzinger, V. Parasote, V. Pierron-Bohnes, JF Lami, MC. Cadeville, JM Sanchez, R. Caudron and B. Beuneu. Physical Review B, 61, 14975-14983 (2000)
· Anisotropy and coercivity in of Co50 ± x Pt50 ± x alloy films. V. Parasote, MC. Cadeville, G. Garreau, V. Pierron-Bohnes. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 198-199 375 (1999).
· Structural origin of magnetic anisotropy in Co-Pt alloy films probed by polarized XAFS. C. Meneghini, M.Maret, V. Parasote, JL. Hazemann and S. Colonna. European Physic Journal B 7 347 (1999).
Articles de conférences
· Growth of the L10 structure in co-deposited (001) epitaxial Co-Pt alloy films driven by surface and volume diffusion. V. Parasote, O. Ersen, V. Pierron-Bohnes, C. Ulhaq-Bouillet, D. Spor , J. Arabski and M.C. Cadeville. DIMAT-2000, Paris. Defect Diffus. Forum, 194-199, 1357 (2001).
· Order and migration energies in a CoPt3 single crystal : Experimental determination from neutron scattering and Monte Carlo simulations. V. Parasote, E. Kentinger, V. Pierron-Bohnes, M.-C. Cadeville, A. Kerrache, M. Zemirli, H. Bouzar, B. Hennion. Congrès Diffusion in Materials (DIMAT-2000), Paris. Defect Diffus. Forum, 194-199, 403-410 (2001).
· Structural and magnetic properties of CoPt thin films prepared by MBE co-evaporation on (001)MgO substrate at various temperatures. V.Parasote, MC.Cadeville, V.Pierron-Bohnes, W.Grange. "High-Density Recording and Integrated Magneto-optics : Materials and Devices", Material Research Society Symposium Proceedings 517 325 (1998)
conferences internationales
· Migration energy in a CoPt3 single crystal: experimental determination from phonon spectra and Monte Carlo simulations. V. parasote, E. Kentzinger, V. Pierron-Bohnes, M. C. Cadeville, A. Kerrache, M. Zemirli and B. Hennion. DIMAT-2000, Juillet 2000, Paris, france.
· Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy related to long range order in CoPt thin films. V. Parasote, V.Pierron-Bohnes, MC Cadeville and C. Ulhaq-Bouillet. CMD17-JMC6, Août 1998, Grenoble, France.
· Observation of the L10 order in codeposited CoPt alloy layers. V. Parasote, C. Ulhaq-Bouillet, V. Pierron-Bohnes, Y. Henri, MC Cadeville. Trinocular Conference on Microscopies, Juillet 1998, Strasbourg, france.
· Dependence with the growth temperature of structural and magnetic properties of Co50Pt50 thin films prepared by MBE co-evaporation on (001)MgO substrate. V. Parasote, MC Cadeville, G. Garreau and V. Pierron-Bohnes. 3rd International Symposium on Metallic Mutilayers, Juin 1998, Vancouver, CANADA.
· Structural and magnetic properties of CoPt thin films prepared by MBE co-evaporation on (001)MgO substrate at various temperatures. V. Parasote, M.C. Cadeville, V. Pierron-Bohnes, and W. Grange. Materials Research Society's 1998 Spring Meeting. Avril 1998, San Francisco, USA.
· Dynamical Growth of magnetic alloy films. V. Pierron-Bohnes, M. Maret, MC Cadeville, V. Parasote, L. Bouzidi, O. Ersen, W. Grange. LEA Meeting ’99, Ringberg Castle, allemagne
· Surface and bulk diffusion processes in CoPt epitaxied thin layers for magnetic storage. V. Pierron-Bohnes, O. Ersen, V. Parasote. VIIIth Seminar Diffusion and thermodynamics of materials, septembre 2002, Brno
· Chemical ordering along the growth direction in epitaxial codeposited Co-Ru and Co-Pt alloy thin films. Séminaire au Research Institute for Solid State Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest (Hongrie), Décembre 97.
· Stable and metastable phases in epitaxial codeposited Co-Ru and Co-Pt alloy thin films. Séminaire au Department of Solid State Physics, Kossuth University, Debrecen (Hongrie), Avril 1999
· Croissance dynamique de couches d'alliages. Séminaire au Laboratoire Physique des Atomes, Lasers, Molécules et Surfaces, Université de Rennes, Novembre 1999
· Croissance dynamique de couches d'alliages. Séminaire au Laboratoire de Magnétisme de Bretagne, Université de Bretagne Occidentale (Brest), Novembre 99
· Epitaxy of anisotropic alloys : structural and magnetic study. Séminaire à l’institut de Physique de Cracovie (Pologne). Décembre 2001
· Epitaxied L10 CoPt alloy layers with high magnetic anisotropy. Joint seminar of the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Metallforschung and the Institut für Theoretische und Angewandte Physik at the University of Stuttgart (Allemagne). Avril 2002
Réunions et colloques nationaux
· Propriétés structurales de couches minces de Co-Pt codéposées sur MgO(001) à différentes températures. V. Parasote, MC Cadeville, V. Pierron-Bohnes et W. Grange. Journées Ordre-Désordre, Mars 1998, Orsay.
· Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy related to long range order in CoPt thin films. V. Parasote, MC Cadeville and V.Pierron-Bohnes. TMR network on "high frequency dynamics of mesomagnetic systems", Mai 1998, Strasbourg.
· Etude de couches minces de CoPt. 5e Journées des Jeunes Physico-Chimistes, 11 mai 2000, Palaiseau.
· Etude structurale et magnétique de couches minces d’alliages Co-Pt codéposés par Epitaxie par Jet Moléculaire. Séminaire invité au CEA/DSM/DRECAM/SRSIM, 25 mai 2000, Saclay.
· Chemical LRO related to magnetic anisotropy in CoPt[002] textured thin films. V. Parasote, V. Pierron-Bohnes and C. Uhlaq-Bouillet. 1998 Gen. Conf. of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, Août 1998, Grenoble.
· Growth of the L10 structure in co-deposited (001) epitaxial Co-Pt and CoFe-Pt alloy films driven by surface diffusion. V. Parasote, O. Ersen, V.Pierron-Bohnes, C. Ulhaq-Bouillet and MC Cadeville. DIMAT 2000, Juillet 2000, Paris
· Migration energy in a CoPt3 single crystal : experimental determination from phonon spectra and Monte Carlo simulations. V. Parasote, E. Kentzinger, V.Pierron-Bohnes, MC Cadeville, A. Kerrache, M. Zemirli and B. Hennion. Juillet 2000, Paris